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GAYLE baru saja merilis single terbarunya yang berjudul 'god gas a sense of humor'. Penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat itu membalut perenungannya tentang hidup lewat lagu bernuansa muram yang didominasi dentingan piano itu. Lewat lagunya, GAYLE mengisahkan tragedi yang ia saksikan di usia belasan yang memberinya sebuah perspektif soal Tuhan dan kehidupan. Alih-alih merasa terpukul, GAYLE justru menganggap tragedi-tragedi tersebut sebagai bentuk selera humor tingkat tinggi dari Tuhan.
Buat kamu yang suka dengan lagu 'abcdefu', karya GAYLE yang satu ini juga akan sangat mudah diterima oleh telinga. Liriknya yang personal membuat kita bisa ikut merasakan situasi yag dialami oleh GAYLE ketika lagu itu dicetuskan.
Biar makin afdol, berikut ini adalah lirik lagu 'god has a sense of humor' dari GAYLE yang bisa Diazens simak bersama.
[Verse 1]
When I was thirteen, a friend of mine died
That's when I realized that we aren't here forever
And I wonder what she saw when she got to the other side
Was she pleasantly surprised? Were all her questions answered?
'Cause I look up at the sky and I feel no comfort
I look down at the ground and think
Life's not right or wrong, it's just a little complicated
There's no rhyme or reason 'cause it's only what you make it
I could cry about it or just laugh until I choke
God's got a s?nse of humor
'Cause no one's good or bad, it's just w? don't know what we're doin'
The world's a scary place and we're all stuck here bein' human
Guess it's kinda funny that there's things I'll never know
God's got a sense of humor and I'm not in on the joke
[Verse 2]
When I was fifteen, I didn't wanna cope
Didn't wanna find hope 'cause there's just so much pressure
To try and be happy when you're out of control
'Cause you're so vulnerable and the world's on fire
And I look up at the sky and I feel no comfort
I look down at the ground and think
Life's not right or wrong, it's just a little complicated
There's no rhyme or reason 'cause it's only what you make it
I could cry about it or just laugh until I choke
God's got a sense of humor
'Cause no one's good or bad, it's just we don't know what we're doin'
The world's a scary place and we're all stuck here bein' human
Guess it's kinda funny that there's things I'll never know
God's got a sense of humor and I'm not in on the joke
Every time I get down on my knees and I pray
I just end up feelin' more alone
God, I need somethin' to believe in
But the more that I try, the more that I don't
Guess that's how it goes
'Cause life's not right or wrong, it's just a little complicated
There's no rhyme or reason 'cause it's only what you make it
I could cry about it or just laugh until I choke
God's got a sense of humor
'Cause no one's good or bad, it's just we don't know what we're doin'
The world's a scary place and we all suck at bein' human
Guess it's kinda funny that there's things I'll never know
God's got a sense of humor and I'm not in on the joke