Lirik Lagu There’d Better Be A Mirrorball - Arctic Monkeys

Reporter : Yayuk Harini
Sabtu, 3 September 2022 11:54
Lirik Lagu There’d Better Be A Mirrorball - Arctic Monkeys
Lagu There’d Better Be A Mirrorball menjadi bagian dari album The Car.

Arctic Monkeys telah merilis lagu terbaru yang bertajuk There'd Better Be a Mirrorball pada Selasa (30/8/2022). Lagunya ini menjadi bagian dari album The Car yang rencana akan rilis pada 21 Oktober mendatang. Duh, jadi nggak sabar ya pengen lihat album terbarunya dari Arctic Monkeys

Simak lirik lagu There'd Better Be a Mirrorball - Arctic Monkeys berikut ini:

1 dari 3 halaman

Don't get emotional, that ain't like you

Yesterday's still leaking through the roof, that's nothing new

I know I promised this is what I wouldn't do

Somehow giving it the old romantic fool

Seems to better suit the mood

So if you wanna walk me to the car

You oughta know I'll have a heavy heart

So can we please be absolutely sure

2 dari 3 halaman

That there's a mirrorball?

You're getting cynical and that won't do

I'd throw the rose tint back on the exploded view

Darling, if I were you

And how's that insatiable appetite?

For the moment when you look them in the eyes

And say " Baby, it's been nice"

3 dari 3 halaman

So do you wanna walk me to the car?

I'm sure to have a heavy heart

So can we please be absolutely sure

That there's a mirrorball for me?

Oh, there'd better be a mirrorball for me

Lihat Official Music Video di Sini:



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