Mau Olahraga, Marissa Nasution Malah Dikira Cleaning Service

Reporter : Andrawira Diwiyoga
Selasa, 2 November 2021 13:36
Mau Olahraga, Marissa Nasution Malah Dikira Cleaning Service
Namun, Marissa Nasution malah belajar banyak dari pengalaman itu.

Marissa Nasution merupakan salah satu presenter sekaligus pemain film yang namanya sudah dikenal banyak orang di Indonesia. Ibu dua anak ini kini tinggal di Jerman.

Di Jerman, tidak banyak orang yang mengenal seorang Marissa Nasution. Bahkan, Marissa Nasution merupakan orang biasa di sana.

Marissa pun membagikan cerita di mana dirinya dibilang seorang cleaning service oleh seseorang dan tidak marah akan hal itu.

1 dari 6 halaman

Marissa menceritakan hal ini dalam postingan di Instagram-nya.

Marissa Nasution

2 dari 6 halaman

Berikut ini adalah caption yang ditulis oleh Marissa:

<STORYTIME> this story happened back in Hamburg Germany ???????? but I just got around to type it all up! Here it goes:

I got ready to go to the Hotels gym, grabbed a little towel and went into the elevator. An elderly couple greeted me in the elevator.

Man ???????? talking to me in a super friendly tone: Hello! Where are you from? It’s so hard to tell nowadays. Are you from Romania?

Me ????????: Me? I’m from Germany.

Man ????????: Oh I see! I just wanted to say that you are doing such a great job with the cleaning ???? here . Have a nice day!

And we parted ways. I was speechless ????.
Immediately I felt my Ego fire up ???? “ How could he think that?” “ Do I look like a cleaner?” But within a few moments I just smiled and released the shadow of my ego. ????
Throughout my run ????????‍?? I reflected on what happened and I realised that what this lovely man did was give a compliment. ???? He appreciated and wanted to share his gratitude with the cleaning team about their job being well done. What a lovely thing to share! ♥?
Unfortunately he just told it to the wrong person - me.

Instead of focusing on the world being against you, I focused on why I was against the world. Why did I react the way I did and how can I consciously shift my mind and see the truth?

And once I looked beyond my ego and saw the moment for itself I realised, it was a beautiful moment of gratitude and compassion. ????????‍??

I was not always like this, I was (am still) a fiery person ???? but now I know where to direct this energy better to.

My Conscious Parenting Journey has taught me a lot about my inner child and how my childhood and social beliefs affected my journey of becoming me.
The Gene Keys ???? Studies have helped me tremendously uncover a new point of view of my shadows and how to overcome and turn them into precious life moments. Big thank you to @lexierodriguez for taking me on the Gene Key Journey!

If you feel like you would love to unlock your personal shadows and become more aware and raise your mental well-being, be curious! As a coach I am happy to help and listen ????

Send me a DM or book a consultation call ???? and get in touch with me

3 dari 6 halaman

Mulanya, Marissa cerita kalau dirinya sempat berpapasan dengan seseorang yang menganggapkan seorang cleaning service di sebuah hotel.

Marissa bertemu dengan orang tersebut di dalam lift sebuah hotel. Orang tersebut memuji pekerjaan cleaning service hotel tersebut, namun mengatakannya kepada Marissa.

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Namun, Marissa Nasution memberikan reaksi yang tidak terduga. Bukannya marah, Marissa tersenyum akan kejadian itu.

Ia tersenyum karena orang tersebut memberikan pujian terhadap layanan cleaning service di hotel yang juga merupakan respon positif. Ia hanya ingin memberikan pujian kepada tim cleaning service hotel tersebut, namun salah orang.

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Marissa pun belajar banyak dari hal tersebut. Marissa juga merasa dirinya masih memiliki jiwa berapi-api dan penuh semangat. Namun, ia kini tahu mau dibawa kemana energi berapi-api tersebut.

Marissa Nasution

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